My progress:
May 27th
Woke up from surgery, couldn't feel or move my legs. Tried to wiggle toes. Realized I'm paralyzed from the waist down for the second time in my life.
Was tested hourly through the night, feeling gradually began to come back. By morning I could move my feet and had some sensation in legs but little movement.
May 28th.
Progression continues and by late afternoon I could feel my legs.
May 29th
I could stand in the morning, by late afternoon I could walk a few steps, with a walker, a physiotherapist and a nurse, although I did not have any feeling in my right foot and spotty feeling in my right leg. Walking was very challenging as my proprioception, (where you are in space) was very off. Trusting that my foot was actually touching the floor was crucial to walking. I had experienced this before so it made it a little less scary.
June 1st
Walked a few steps with walker and nurse. Had to sit in a chair for awhile before returning to my bed.
June 2nd
Discharged from ICU and now in Neuro Step-down unit at Toronto Western.
A decision was made that I would definitely need a rehabilitation hospital. It was explained that it would be the one who could take me the fastest because we wanted to take advantage of the steroids I was still on and the drug that was in clinical trail. Bridgepoint hospital had a bed long before Lyndhurst so that was were I would be going.
June 3rd.
Discharge from Toronto Western to Bridgepoint Rehabilitation hospital.
June 4th.
Physio began with a two day assessment
June 5th
Score of 37/50
Walked 58 meters in 2 minutes.
Had my first two visitors. Our old friend Dan, and my new friend Abid. So nice to see others.
June 6th
Physio and occupational therapy began as daily sessions
I was given a walker with two front wheels only (as I refer to it as my "old lady walker". My 87 year old mother has one just like it! She's not impressed with my name for it and tells me!)
June 7th
Dealing with serious side affects of steroids and other drugs. My sugar count was up from a 4 to a 9.4, it is related to the drugs I am taking temporarily, but we had a visit from the dietitian to help with food choices while my body is dealing with these changes. She cautioned me that choices I make now may have a lasting affect for future health. Little to no sugar for this girl for a while.
June 10th
This day turned out to be an emotionally difficult day for me, therefore for the whole family as well. It was the day my steroids were cut by one third. A very big crash. Thankfully we had been warned by my pharmacist the day before and even offered a sedative that most take while going through this. The problem was while she was telling me all of this I was feeling so good I couldn't imagine feeling bad enough to want a sedative. I believe even if I had it I probably wouldn't have taken it. Emotions are a part of life. I cried, a lot, it was a little uncomfortable because we were outside on the terrace. Only other patients and their families were there who I'm sure have all ahead a few tears. It passed, we got on with our night and life went on. I'm not trying to dismiss it, it was a big crash but I had my family with me and had the support I needed.
June 10th
Mary and Sam arrive and bring with them an influx of hope, fun, and new conversations. We are so happy to have them with us.
Being treated for a bladder infection. Explains how I haven't been feeling well for the last few days.
June 11th
Having not slept more than two hours for two weeks, doctors are concerned and added a sleeping pill to the mix of medications. I agree only if it is as needed they agree if I take it at least that night. I did and slept for three and a half hours.
June 12th
22 staples removed from my back.
June 13th
My lucky day, I've been granted day passes and can now leave the building. Today I decide is the day to move forward, to take my life back and leave all this medical stuff behind.
June 15-16th
Spent the weekend with Barry,Jerri, Shayn, Meghan and Travis and Whinnie. We had a lot of fun.
On Sunday Jerri, Barry, Meg, Whinnie and I went to a cafe down the street for an outing. Very nice.
June 17th
I had another Physio assessment today
I have moved from 31/50 to 37/50. For the 2 minute waling test, I walked 58 metres the first time and can now walk 100 metres.
That afternoon had a shot in my left knee to help with the arthritis.
June 20th
This was a huge day for me. I graduated to a four wheeled walker with a basket. Also I had my first venture out in the car; we went to a grocery store for a walk in the neighbourhood and went out for lunch. A huge accomplishment. It felt very good, a big step forward.
June 21st
Another milestone, we all went out to dinner to celebrate Father's Day. It was fantastic. After dinner we wheeled around the neighbourhood in my wheel chair and went to a beautiful park that was nearby.
June 23rd
I was tested with a cane today. Quite unsteady, but able to use it daily at Physio now. Barry and I escaped for the afternoon on a day pass. We went to the Beaches area of Toronto. We grabbed a coffee and found a bench to look out at the lake. Walked the boardwalk as far as I could and tehn back to the car. It was a fantastic day.
June 23rd
Was able to change my July 3rd release date to June 30th and I was able to make an omelette today in the OT kitchen with supervision.
June 26th
Had my legs re-measured today and found there was as much as a centimetre and a half of growth in some areas. That is real progress.
June 29th
It is really happening. I am getting all of the information I need to go home.
June 30th
The real work begins, but it's a labour of love when you can do it from home.