That lapse of time between the time you have surgery and see your surgeon for a six or eight week follow up can feel like an eternity. For me however it was mostly filled by the stay at a rehab centre.
It was not focussed on the spinal fusion as it was helping me to become mobile again.
I did Physio for week two. That is not common, most people are told to wait until the six week check before doing any Physio. That is understandable and in most cases very necessary. I couldn't wait. The longer I stayed still, the more likely it was that I would stay that way.
In doing Physio to get my legs moving, I also developed a daily routine that I continue now. I walk every day at a good pace with the walker. I'm continuing some of the Physio I had the rehab as well when I have the stamina.
On Tuesday I hope to get some clear instruction on how to move forward from my neurosurgeon. My goal will be to build muscle, core stability and overall stamina. All of this at a reasonable pace.
On Friday evening we waited for the door to open and our girls to fill the house once again with their youthful energy. Barry and I have spent so much time together that is feels wonderful to have them home. It was just after dinner when Meg arrived for Sudbury, and late when Jerri arrived from Toronto. Whinnie was crazy with love for them. I went to bed happy knowing all Clouts were in the house.
The girls and I headed to the market after the allotted sleep in on Saturday morning. We spent a little time shopping downtown for work clothes for Jerri then headed home. I was exhausted and so was Jerri from a particularly busy week at work. We happily crawled into her bed. With Whinnie by our side we both fell into a short, but deep sleep.
Meghan and Barry prepared and packed for a light supper on the boat.
We floated in the Bay and ate homemade pitas and got caught up on our lives. Barry told us all about the canoe venture he had experienced earlier in the day when they had followed the path of the voyagers. Jerri told us all about the Neonatal ICU and babies brain development. Meg filled us in on the research she has been a part of, right here, on Lake Nipissing.
And me, I don't know what I add these days other than the update on my walk to Lu Lu's, I usually sit back and smile and feel grateful that they are my family.
All the while my family in Newfoundland danced and celebrated David and Marilyn on their wedding day. We toasted them, and know they will continue to have a wonderful life together.