It was a big deal just getting ready and leaving the house. I was a little surprised that I was not feeling the best when I arrived at his office. Being in the car felt foreign, and made me a little car sick. I had time to recover as I waited for him to finish with other patients, and the nurse examined me.
When he arrived we discussed the surgery, his notes and all of the complications and what we will do moving forward. There was an MRI report that talked about some nerve impingement issues and we clarified that as well. I wasn't feeling the most hopeful when it was time to get at those staples. Nothing to do with the staples, but it just felt like a lot to take in for the future.
Dr. Shaw wanted to remove the staples himself, much to the disappointment of his nurse. I was glad because he is such a gentle, deliberate person that I knew he would make it easy.
So it began. It was decided that all were not quite ready to come out today. The bottom three had a little more healing to do. For the first time in my life, I thought I was gong to faint. I felt nauseous, the room started to go black and my head felt light. Not good signs. I had to take a break. So for those of you who feel like this around needles and such I feel for you (now). Not a good feeling. Because I am usually so tough in these situations both Barry and Dr. Shaw were busy chatting and I had to announce the oncoming faint headed their way.
Within a short time I was able to carry on, but I didn't feel the best the rest of the evening.
As it turns out, removing those staples made my back extremely sensitive and itchy. There was some weird neurological symptoms as well. My leg started moving on its own and when I went to stand, instead of a normal step, my leg moved to a marching position.....on its own. I went to bed with a heavy heart. Barry helped by massaging vitamin-e around the incision to help settle the itchiness.
Surprisingly, I slept well. I do feel better today but I have the issue of itchiness and sensitivity to the area. Let's hope that heals quickly.
I'm not as strong as I think I should be. I have to remind myself I'm only two weeks post op because I want to be able to do more. Don't get me wrong. By doing more I mean rehab. I want to get started, get healthy, strong and able to get on with my life.
My world has gotten smaller because of my disability and pain, but I want to find a way to expand again and fill our lives, our house and family with new ideas, experiences and a whole lot of fun. Any and all ideas welcome.