So when friends called to offer a home cooked dinner, and some company, I was equally excited and concerned. My hair looked as though it hadn't been washed for a month but it had only been a day. I knew if I used my energy to do my hair the dinner would be ruined because I would be too tired. I opted to have a quick shower, leave my hair and rest before they arrived. I'm so glad I did. We so enjoyed having the company, the aroma of curry cooking in our house and an evening with friends renews our energy.
They had just celebrated their 25th anniversary and we love to live vicariously though others right now so it was fun to hear all about it.
You know you have good friends when you can look your worst, not apologize and still have a wonderful evening. Thanks Mark and Loretta.
It's amazing how long days are when there is no set agenda. On Friday, later in the day, a friend called to say he'd like to visit with dinner in hand. We were thrilled to have both the food and the company. It's great to have people around for short periods of time because it brings the outside world to us and we can have another soul to converse with. Jeff also hit the nail on the head because I had been craving (damn steroids) shrimp and there they were in front of me. Now that's a serendipitous moment.
Then on Saturday we decided to venture out for the first time. We needed friends close enough that I could lay on their couch so when Lynn and Rick called it was perfect. We just sat (well I laid) and talked for a couple of hours and it was wonderful to get out. It really must have zapped my energy because I had the best sleep last night.
There are still some friends we want to catch up with but we are spacing everyone out so we have not only something to look forward to but being careful it is not too much for me. There is still a concern that my immune system is vulnerable, so any kind of cold or virus means staying away.
The pain is controllable and the mobility is coming along. I have some weird neurological systems from time to time, we are assuming it is the nerves settling down, but other than that I feel good. We know I won't "bounce back" as quickly as before as three major surgeries in one year will take some time to get over, but I am hopeful.
There's a little snippet of what life is like around here one week into recovery. A little boring, but we are grateful to have friends and family who help and more than anything we are happy to be home.