There is at least some certainty around timelines. It feels like a sense of relief and dread - all at the same time. I must admit there are some disappointments surrounding how that date works with upcoming weddings, family visits and such.
There is enough to think about with recovery, but to miss the bigger events in life because of it really is tough. That is something nobody understands. I have heard everything from "oh you'll make it” to "oh well, what can you do." No, I won't make it and no there is nothing I can do about it and that just sucks. Thankfully those who understand really help at a time like this. They know I hate to miss a good time.
On a brighter note, I will come home to beautiful weather and I will at least be able to be outside while I recover. My garden may be a mess, and the vegetables and flowers will not be planted but I can still sit on my deck and see the lake and feel the sunshine.
We have a plan for the blog while I am in the early stages of recovery. Barry, Jerri and Meghan will blog for me. They will tell you things from their prospective and give updates on my continued progress. I will wait until the drugs are cleared from my brain before I attempt writing this time. After my first surgery I had many people emailing me their good wishes. It meant a lot to me along with the cards and letters. I wanted to thank them and give them updates. I did so against the good judgment of my husband. Some of my closer friends kept them to show me. Oh boy! Let's just say I learned my lesson. No writing tools at the bedside of a stoned recovering woman this time. I will admit it was pretty funny but I will not be doing it again this time...
So, for those of you who have events in the coming months; have a dance for me, run the extra mile for me, and for sure, bend and elbow once for me!