This weekend there were eight of us. Barry and I, and six twenty somethings. It was a very enjoyable weekend and I'm happy to say although I'm quite tired, I survived pretty well. The reasons I didn't over do it are these.
1. I planned ahead. The beds were made and ready two weeks ago. There was no last minute washing sheets and preparing rooms. I asked everyone to strip the beds they were in before they left. They will be remade some time in the future but not now.
2. My shopping was done over a period of three days. I bought Easter eggs and treats weeks ago and put them aside. The groceries of course had to wait but I bought everything in small amounts and anything that could be prepared was as it came into the house.
3. The meal. I had a Vegan, a no meat eater, and a meat lover to feed. So it was a roast beef, a turkey and a tofurkey in the oven. All of which required only minimal preparations. The vegetables had been washed and cut earlier in the week and the potatoes done the day before. When it came time to set the table, get the food to the table and last minute gravy making as well as clean up, I asked and received lots of help. It went very smoothly and I'm happy to say it was a success in every way.
4. Having company in itself throws routine out the window but it doesn't mean you can't excuse yourself and find a quiet time to rest or meditate which I did. As they went out to go for a hike, I went to my room and took the time to rest.
5. Remember to stay in the moment, and let things go. Being a host means you want everyone to enjoy themselves but remember that everyone includes you.
6. I took a lot of short cuts. I'm all about homemade, and most of the meal was. The extras I usually do as in making homemade cranberry sauce went by the wayside. I bought a can of pre made and it was just fine. There was a homemade carrot cake made two weeks ago and frozen for Easter dinner, and for the night before a quick and easy recipe. I made a cake with two ingredients. It was a angel food cake mix with a small can of crushed pineapple. It turned out great and everyone loved it.
We kept it low key. We ate lots, played games and had fun. Isn't that what family weekends are for?
I still have to talk to myself a lot. I want to do everything I once did, but I have learned how that stubbornness just gets me to pain faster, and not able to enjoy the people around me. So I now ask for the little things like the turkey to be lifted out of the oven to be basted, for people to get me things from downstairs to save my knee, and to do anything that requires bending and lifting. I put my stupid pride aside and asked away. For that I got to enjoy my girls and their friends and have a wonderful Easter weekend. Well worth it.