There's a package of rescue remedy gum. For those of you not familiar with rescue remedy it is fantastic. It is a natural product that we have used in our household for many years. It was often used before an important exam, when Meg broke her knee cap and the nervousness, and pain was bad, and all kinds of other uses. The format of rescue remedy is either spray, drops or the most fun - gum. I would give Meg the gum format because she was always a gum lover so I knew she would use it. I love that she thought of giving it to me at this time.
Next there's aroma therapy. It is called "Cheer up Buttercup" it contains bergamot oil, orange oil, lime, oil and grapefruit oil. It claims to be uplifting, refreshing, and energizing, and it sure is. We will but it in defuses, in massage oil and you can also wear it. I have always loved bergamot oil, it is so relaxing and calming.
Next there is a beautiful tea tree foot cream which feels amazing. She also choose the most beautiful scarf/ wrap in a rich fuchsia and white colour. All such lovely things but the absolute surprise was what she had placed them on was a square serving tray, that she had hand painted herself. What a wonderful gift and such a thoughtful thing to do.
That gift made me think of the very thing I am doing right now and wanted to share with all of you. Some of you may be preparing for surgery or a hospital stay in your future. What I have learned from doing both numerous times is being prepared helps. I don't mean the paper work and getting the house ready but I mean having everything you need with you.
I have started to look at practical things I will need for hospital and recovery. Yesterday we shopped for PJ's. It always feels good to new fresh new pyjamas when you are going to be in them a lot.
Slippers are something most people bring but I have found a pair of crocs are more practical because you can also shower in them. That is if you are lucky enough to be able to shower.
Then there's the usual: hand cream, water bottle, special pillow, robe, and mug for tea or coffee if you can't bear plastic. My friend Mary has given me a book that I am saving for after, or in the rehab called My Grandfather's Blessings: Stories of Strength, Refuge, and Belonging by Rachel Naomi Remen.
Putting together a comfort pack doesn't just have to be for hospital, it can be for anytime. Think about times when you are not feeling your best, what if you had a basket with a few special things you could go to and enjoy. Think about what your comfort package would include, start putting it together today.
They are all great things that bring comfort and they also bring love.