I was finally redressed and ready to go and the nerve pain in my leg kicked in. There was a line up at the cash, so I left the item I had tried on. It was getting increasing worse by the minute but I only had a short ways to walk before I reached the door and I was parked really close. I went for it. I didn't get very far before it was clear I I wasn't going to be able to make it unless this settled down. I really didn't relish the idea of falling face first on the floor at Sears so I had to come up with a plan.
I'm really not exaggerating about falling because it happens from time to time. Sometimes in the most inconvenient spots. Once I was walking Whinnie and I feel right in front of the LCBO. It took me a little while to get up and once I did the humour of the situation wasn't lost on me. We live in a pretty small community and I was lying on the ground in front of the LCBO. Once I started walking I imagined the rumours such an event could start and it made me laugh. I realized walking down the street alone laughing was not going to squash and of those rumours so I smiled and got on my way.
Back at Sears, I found the most wonderful sofa. I just sat. It felt better having the weight off my leg, the grimace was disappearing from my face when a nice gentleman asked if he could help me. I had been there an uncomfortably long time, but I really didn't want to get into it with him. I considered asking if he could page the linens department and get me a throw blanket so I could really check out that couch, but not everyone has my sense of humour. He looked so earnest. I couldn't do it, so I told him I was "just looking" and he carried on with a puzzled look on his face. Clearly with the zoned out look on my face, I wasn't looking at or for anything.
I finally made it out of Sears, into the car and home. My couch and throw blanket and Whinnie were waiting for me, so I indulged.
Shopping was never my favourite pastime, but I did enjoy a good find. Now I get in, get out (sometimes with a stop on a couch) and enjoy it much less than I used to.