There's good news and bad news. I don't have a cold. What I have is the tail end of is a mild strain of the flu. There has been an outbreak in our area, in a nursing home very near where I live. Isn't that such a small possibility, considering the time of the year and I hardly ever go out?
It had been so long since I had a cold so I wasn't sure if I had ever felt this drained with one. I've been dizzy and just unwell.
Now I just have to wait and get well again. I'm past the point of taking tamiflu but if you catch it in time, it can help lesson the affects of the flu. I'm no longer contagious so it means I get to enjoy my girls this Mothers Day week end.
After seeing my doctor today, I am now officially on what we call lockdown. Everyone who enters the house has to wash hands and won't get a hug from me. I have to get well and keep myself healthy to be ready for May 27th.
I'm feeling very hopeful for my recovery now. I know it will be a long haul but I have been looking past it, with hope for the possibilities of the future. The few months of recovery will seem long and arduous while it is happening. This surgery however, can offer the possibility of a lifetime of being able to walk, without the worry of falling. The intensity of pain I have been feeling will surely lesson. There are parts of my spine that will never heal, as of yet there isn't a cure for spinal cord injury. They can restructure my low back and make it functional again so I feel cautious but hopeful that it will mean more activity for me in the future. I can't help but feel hopeful for that. I will need to keep my eye on the prize while I do the hard work of long term Physio once again. Admittedly, there are days I feel a sense of dread, when I think about having to go through this again. There are days I feel nervous or afraid of the outcome, but more and more I feel excited about the possibilities of recovery, and the future.
Now time to get better and get on with this!