My surgeons in Toronto think it is a very risky surgery for me and wanted me to wait. Well I have waited and luckily found a work around. It is a product called synvisc. It comes as an injection and is put right into the knee. It adds cushioning where there is none. I have had as many as three shots a year and some years only one. I had carefully scheduled one for this month to help with my walking. I got a call yesterday cancelling today's shot. I was told the doctor wants further investigation before I have another shot. My luck may have run out.
I'm waiting to hear back from them but my hope is I get a shot before the Europe trip because without it, walking is painful.
Then there's the risk of being told my time is up and surgery is required sooner rather than later.
That will be a very careful decision and I can't go there right now so I'm choosing to not even think about it.