The procedure done in an outpatient fracture clinic where an orthopaedic Doctor sees about a hundred patients in a day. Madness!
Easy for me as I am in and out within fifteen minutes once my name is called. I'm given a deadening shot in each knee first and then the synvisc is very slowly injected. The doctor is always amazed how nonchalant I am about it. First off he forgets I don't even feel my left leg and for me a couple of shots are a piece of cake compared to where I have been. I'll see the doctor in four months to see if it has worked and to schedule another, as it only lasts for about six months.
I'm grateful to have found a temporary solution for my knees.
Once I had the shots I had to be relatively easy on them for a couple of days and then I am good to go. The full affect doesn't set in for about a week. A week has passed, and although I was afraid it hadn't worked because it wasn't doing much at all first, it is actually better now. I have found a temporary solution and it has worked for me for about ten years. I feel fortunate that it does work. It allows me to keep going and I know if it didn't work I surely would have had surgery by now.
I'm learning that my hip flexers are weak and that causes knee pain as well so I will be working on a strengthening program to bring them where they need to be.
It feels like a jigsaw puzzle some days and I have to put the parts where they need to be but when I take the time to do it it is so worth it.